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Apostles Jimmy & Nicole Frederick, Ministry Leaders

       Often described as passionate, powerful, simple to understand, Apostle Frederick presents and conveys the gospel with simplicity yet with power and authority that transcends age and crossing ethnic and racial lines. Never one to shy away from the truth, he continues to declare the acceptable year of the Lord without fear and compromise. He is able to convey the gospel message to a 21st century audience and bring spiritual understanding through present day revelation and wisdom keys. He labors in a variety of capacities in the body of Christ from teaching, training, and equipping ministers to counseling couples and being sent out to reestablish divine order in various ministries.  He is a 2002 Graduate of the University of Mount Olive, where he was actively involved in campus ministry serving as a worship leader and teacher of the word. He answered the call of ministry at age 21 under Bishop Quincy Gardner. His initial sermon was entitled "AFTER THE PRESSING, COMES THE BLESSING!"  in 2008, he was ordained elder under Dr. David Atkinson and in 2011, through the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit, accepted the pastorate of Cedar Grove Church which was without a pastor. He  lead the flock into greater dimensions in Christ and forwarding the kingdom fo God. On February 11, 2015, through divine appointment, Apostle Edwin Newsome was moved by the Holy Ghost to affirm him as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, which had taken place during a pastoral anniversary setting. After serving 4 years at Cedar Grove Church, a monumental step of faith was taken in establishing HIGHER CALLING MINISTRIES.


 Lady (Prophetess) Nicole Frederick/ Prophet & Minister of Music Lady Nicole Frederick is the wife of Apostle Frederick,  a woman of God who has the heart of God, loves her husband, and her family. She believes and understands her role as a woman, Wife, and mother and that carries over to the Body of Christ. She is an anointed vessel who preaches the truth of God's Word. She is a Goldsboro native and a 2005 ECU graduate. She has been preaching the gospel since the age of 17 and many have been encouraged, uplifted, and revived by her ministry. She currently serves as MINISTER OF MUSIC and L.I.F.T. Women's Ministry Founder and President, promoting godliness and Holiness among women in their homes and daily living. She walks in the office of the prophet.

We are available to serve you by way of..

  • Revivals

  • Conferences

  • Leadership Workshops

  • Training

  • Deliverance Sessions

  • Church Planting

  • Ministry Covering

  • Mentorship

For Booking,

Apostle Frederick: or Prophetess Frederick:

For Apostle Frederick's Ministry page, click here

@2016 created by Clarity Designs

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